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Breast Revision Surgery Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Breast Revision Surgery Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

At Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists, Dr. Alain Polynice and the surgical and concierge staff take pride in giving confidence back to patients who may have had breast surgery that didn’t quite go as planned in the past or at the hands of another surgeon. Dr. Alain Polynice is a skillful plastic surgeon who dedicated his whole life’s work to breast and body plastic surgery. As the number one breast and body specialist in Beverly Hills and Southern California, he will offer many options that we will explain further.  

Implant Removal/Replacement 

The Process At A Glance: 

  1. Medical Evaluation/Consultation: A thorough medical evaluation will be conducted before considering implant removal and replacement. This process may include a physical examination, imaging tests, and discussions about your medical history. Patients can ask questions during their consultation, your concierge will present you with a price quote, and Dr. Polynice will explain the process in detail. Our pricing is provided with the patient’s best interest in mind. Our surgical fees, in their entirety, will be included in the quote provided.
  2. Preparation for Surgery:  If you are a candidate for surgery, you may need to undergo preoperative assessments, such as blood tests and imaging, to ensure that patients are in optimal health for any procedures/anesthesia. We will also provide a script for medications. Both testing and meds are the patient’s responsibility.   
  3. Anesthesia:  Patients will typically receive general anesthesia to ensure they are unconscious and pain-free during the surgery.  
  4. Implant Removal:  Dr. Polynice will carefully remove the existing implant. This process may involve making an incision near the implant site. The specific technique will depend on the implant’s type and location and the patient’s anatomy. 
  5. Tissue Examination (if necessary):  In some cases, the removed implant or surrounding tissue may be sent for pathology/testing, especially if there are concerns about infection or other complications.
  6. Implant Replacement:  If the removal is followed by replacement, the new implant will be inserted. This may involve adjusting the position or size of the implant based on the patient’s preferences and medical considerations.
  7. Closure of Incisions:  Dr. Polynicewill close incisions made during surgery using sutures or other closure methods.
  8. Postoperative Care:  After the surgery, there will be a recovery period. The healthcare concierge team will provide instructions on postoperative care, including scar management, pain management, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.

Detailed Surgical Approach 

In the removal and replacement of breast implants, Dr. Polynice’s surgical approach relies on expertise, precision, and attention to detail. He carefully assesses the condition of the existing implants, including their position, integrity, and any signs of rupture or leakage. He gently extracts the implants, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues if the implants are intact. In cases of rupture, especially with silicone implants, he meticulously removes any escaped silicone material to prevent inflammation or granuloma formation. 

Tailoring the Implant Pocket 

One of the critical challenges in implant replacement is the modification of the implant pocket. Dr. Polynice skillfully adjusts the pocket to accommodate the new implant, which might differ in size, shape, or texture. This may involve surgical techniques to either tighten the pocket in case of downsizing the implant or to expand it for a more extensive replacement. He sometimes uses specialized techniques such as internal sutures or acellular dermal matrix (ADM) to reinforce the pocket and provide additional support. 

Comprehensive Implant Selection Process 

Choosing the right implant is a critical part of the process. Dr. Polynice offers many options regarding implant types, sizes, shapes, and textures. He provides detailed information about each type’s advantages and potential drawbacks, helping patients make an informed decision. Factors considered include the patient’s body type, previous implant history, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals. 

Focused Postoperative Care 

Recovery after implant removal and replacement varies depending on the complexity of the surgery. Dr. Polynice provides detailed postoperative care instructions, including guidance on managing discomfort, caring for the incision site, and activity restrictions. He also schedules regular follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and satisfaction with the results. 

Capsular Contracture 

At A Glance:

Capsular contracture is a condition that may occur after a breast augmentation surgery, where the tissue around a breast implant tightens, leading to discomfort, distortion of the breast shape, and potential complications. Addressing capsular contracture typically involves a combination of non-surgical and surgical interventions. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Consultation/Diagnosis:  The first step is to diagnose the presence and severity of capsular contracture. This is often done through a physical examination, imaging studies, and assessing the patient’s symptoms.
  2. Closed Capsulotomy:  Closed capsulotomy involves manually breaking up the scar tissue by applying pressure to the breast. However, this method has become less common due to the risk of implant damage and complications.
  3. Aspiration:  Aspiration involves draining fluid from the capsule, which may provide temporary relief. However, this is generally a short-term solution and may require to be combined with other interventions.
  4. Surgical Intervention:  If non-surgical options are ineffective or the capsular contracture is severe, surgical intervention by a skillful and experienced surgeon like Dr. Alain Polynice may be necessary. The surgical procedures commonly used to address capsular contracture include:
    • Capsulectomy: Capsulectory involves the removal of the entire capsule of scar tissue. It may be a total capsulectomy (complete removal) or a partial capsulectomy (partial removal).
    • Implant Exchange: In some cases, the surgeon may replace the implant with a new and different one. This can be performed in conjunction with a capsulectomy.
    • Implant Pocket Adjustment: Dr. Polynice may adjust the implant pocket to reduce the risk of recurrent contracture. This process can involve changing the position of the implant or using different surgical techniques.
    • Recovery and Follow-Up:  After surgical intervention, the patient will undergo a period of recovery. The healthcare team will provide postoperative care instructions, including pain management and follow-up appointments, to monitor the healing process.

Addressing Capsular Contracture

Comprehensive Treatment of Capsular Contracture Capsular contracture is a challenging complication that requires careful surgical intervention. Dr. Polynice’s approach involves completely removing the scar tissue capsule surrounding the implant. This procedure, known as capsulectomy, is performed with precision to ensure complete removal of the capsule while preserving the integrity of the breast tissue. 

Utilizing Advanced Materials 

In cases with a high risk of recurrent capsular contracture or patients with thin breast tissues, Dr. Polynice may use ADM or other biocompatible materials. These materials act as a scaffold, promoting tissue integration and reducing the likelihood of scar tissue reforming around the new implant. 

Recovery and Management Post-Capsulectomy 

After the surgery, Dr. Polynice provides comprehensive instructions for postoperative care, including pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions. He closely monitors the patient’s recovery through regular follow-ups, ensuring the breast is healing correctly and maintaining its shape and softness. 

Revision Breast Lift 

At A Glance:

A revision breast lift, or secondary or corrective breast lift surgery, addresses concerns or complications arising after a previous breast lift procedure. The process of revision breast lift surgery involves several key steps:

  1. Consultation:  The process begins with a consultation between the patient and Dr. Alain Polynice. The patient discusses their concerns, dissatisfaction with the previous breast lift, or any issues they want to address. Dr. Polynice assesses the current condition of the breasts and reviews the patient’s medical history.  
  2. Diagnostic Evaluation:  Dr. Polynice may order diagnostic evaluations, such as additional physical examinations and imaging studies, to assess the current state of the breasts. This process helps identify issues that need correction, such as asymmetry, sagging, or other aesthetic concerns.
  3. Discussion of Expectations:  Clear communication between the patient and Dr. Polynice is essential. He then explains what can be achieved with the revision surgery and discusses the expectations and goals.
  4. Revision Plan Development: Dr. Polynice develops a customized revision plan based on the evaluation and the patient’s goals. This plan may involve addressing issues with the previous breast lift, adjusting the position of the nipple-areola complex, correcting asymmetry, or revising the breast shape.  
  5. Anesthesia:  On the day of the surgery, the patient is administered anesthesia to increase comfort and manage pain during and immediately after surgery.  
  6. Incision Placement:  Existing incisions from the previous breast lift are used whenever possible to minimize additional scarring.  
  7. Tissue Reshaping:  Dr. Polynice reshapes the breast tissue to achieve the desired contour. This process may involve removing excess skin, adjusting the position of the nipple-areola complex, and repositioning breast tissue to enhance symmetry.
  8. Implant Adjustment (if applicable):  If breast implants were part of the initial breast lift procedure, Dr. Polynice may adjust their position or size during the revision surgery to achieve the discussed patient’s desired outcome.
  9. Closure of Incisions: Dr. Polynice carefully closes the incisions with sutures after making the necessary adjustments. The goal is to achieve a well-healed incision line while minimizing scarring.
  10. Postoperative Care:  The patient receives postoperative care instructions, including guidance on pain management, activity restrictions, and supportive garments. 
  11. Follow-Up Appointments:  Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor the patient’s progress, address concerns, and ensure that the desired aesthetic outcomes are achieved.

Tailored Surgical Techniques 

Revision breast lift surgery requires a highly individualized approach. Dr. Polynice evaluates the extent of sagging, the skin and breast tissue quality, and any asymmetries or irregularities resulting from previous surgeries. Based on this assessment, he selects the most appropriate surgical technique to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome, including a vertical lift, anchor lift, or periareolar lift.

Emphasis on Aesthetics and Symmetry 

The primary goal of a revision breast lift is to achieve a natural-looking, symmetrical breast appearance. Dr. Polynice focuses on correcting any previous surgical irregularities, adjusting the position of the nipple and areola, and restoring the breast’s natural contour. This involves precise tissue reshaping, skin removal, and sometimes the repositioning of the nipple-areola complex for a more youthful and uplifted look. 

Comprehensive Postoperative Care 

Recovery from a revision breast lift can be more complex than a primary lift, particularly if the patient has undergone multiple prior surgeries. Dr. Polynice provides detailed postoperative care instructions to minimize discomfort and promote healing. He emphasizes the importance of following these instructions, including wearing supportive garments, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending all follow-up appointments. This careful postoperative management is crucial for achieving the best possible outcome and ensuring patient satisfaction. 

Fat Transfer to Breasts 

At A Glance:

Fat transfer to breasts is a surgical procedure that involves using a person’s fat cells to enhance the shape and size of the breasts. Below is an overview of the process:

  1. Consultation:  The process begins with a consultation with Dr. Alain Polynice. During this consultation, he evaluates the patient’s overall health, discusses their aesthetic goals, and determines whether they are a suitable candidate for fat transfer to the breasts.
  2. Medical Evaluation:  A thorough medical evaluation ensures the patient is in good health and has sufficient fat reserves for the procedure. Dr. Polynice may also assess the breast tissue, skin elasticity, and overall anatomy.
  3. Preoperative Planning:  Dr. Polynice works with the patient to create a personalized surgical plan. This process includes discussing the areas from which fat will be harvested (donor sites) and the desired augmentation in the breasts.
  4. Anesthesia:  On the day of the surgery, the patient is administered anesthesia to increase comfort and manage pain control during and immediately after the procedure. The type of anesthesia used can vary, including local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia.
  5. Liposuction for Fat Harvesting:  Dr. Polyince performs liposuction to harvest fat from donor areas with needed excess fat deposits, such as the flanks, thighs, or abdomen. Small incisions are made in these areas, and a thin tube (cannula) is used to suction out the fat gently.
  6. Processing and Purification of Fat:  The harvested fat is processed to remove impurities, excess fluids, and damaged cells. This purification process helps prepare the fat for injection into the breasts.
  7. Injection of Fat into the Breasts:  The purified fat is injected into multiple breast layers to achieve the desired augmentation. The surgeon carefully distributes the fat to enhance symmetry and achieve a natural-looking result.
  8. Monitoring and Adjustment:  During the procedure, Dr. Polynice monitors the distribution of fat and makes any necessary adjustments to ensure an even and aesthetically pleasing outcome.
  9. Closure of Incisions: Dr. Polynice closes the incisions with sutures after completing the fat transfer. The incisions are typically small and placed strategically to minimize scarring.
  10. Postoperative Care:  The patient receives postoperative care instructions, including guidance on pain management, activity restrictions, and compression garments.  
  11. Recovery:  The recovery period varies from person to person, but patients are generally advised to avoid strenuous activities and follow the surgeon’s recommendations for optimal healing.

Advanced Fat Harvesting and Processing 

For the fat transfer procedure, Dr. Polynice carefully selects donor areas where fat can be harvested, usually from the patient’s abdomen, thighs, or flanks. He uses advanced liposuction techniques to extract the fat gently, ensuring the viability of the fat cells. The harvested fat is then processed using a centrifuge or filtration system to purify it and separate the healthy fat cells from other fluids and tissues. 

Precise and Artistic Injection Technique 

Injecting the purified fat into the breasts requires precision and artistry. Dr. Polynice places the fat in layers to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing shape. He considers the patient’s body type, breast anatomy, and desired outcome to ensure a harmonious and balanced appearance. The goal is to achieve a subtle, natural augmentation or to correct irregularities and asymmetries from previous surgeries. 

Monitoring and Long-Term Results 

The recovery process from fat transfer is typically less invasive than implant surgery, but it still requires careful monitoring. Dr. Polynice advises patients on how to care for both the liposuction and injection sites and schedules follow-up appointments to assess the results. He also maintains the results, as the body may reabsorb some transferred fat over time. 

Comprehensive Approach and Personalized Care 

In-Depth Consultation and Individualized Planning 

Dr. Polynice’s approach to breast revision surgery begins with a comprehensive consultation. He takes the time to understand the patient’s medical history, previous surgical outcomes, and goals for the revision surgery. Based on this information, he creates a personalized surgical plan to address the patient’s concerns and desired outcomes. 

Emphasis on Patient Education and Informed Decision-Making 

Educating patients about their options, risks, and the benefits of each procedure, and what to expect during recovery is a cornerstone of Dr. Polynice’s practice. He believes an informed patient will increase their satisfaction with surgical outcomes. This educational process helps build trust and fosters collaborative relationships between Dr. Polynice and patients. 

Detailed Postoperative Follow-Up and Care

After the surgery, Dr. Polynice provides comprehensive postoperative care to increase a successful and smooth recovery. This includes detailed instructions on scar management, activity restrictions, and signs to watch for that might indicate complications. Our concierge staff will schedule regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Polynice to closely monitor the healing progress and address concerns and questions that may arise. 


Dr. Alain Polynice’s approach to breast revision surgery is marked by his commitment to excellence, patient-centered care, and meticulous surgical technique. His thorough understanding of breast anatomy and his skills in various surgical techniques allow him to address complex revision cases successfully. His focus on patient education, individualized care, and comprehensive postoperative follow-up ensures that patients are well-informed, comfortable throughout their surgical journey, and ultimately satisfied with their results. Dr. Polynice’s dedication to achieving natural-looking, harmonious outcomes has established him as a highly respected and sought-after expert in breast revision surgery.

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