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Fat Transfer Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Fat Transfer Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Fat Transfer with Breast and Body Specialist Dr. Alain Polynice.

What is a Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer is a procedure also known as lipo-filling or fat grafting. Fat transfer is a cosmetic surgical procedure involving the removal of excess fat from one body area to transfer to another, enhancing or restoring volume. This procedure is commonly used in various areas, such as the face, breasts, buttocks, and hands.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Ideal candidates are individuals who:

  • Desire enhancement or restoration of volume in specific areas.
  • Have sufficient donor fat in the abdomen, thighs, or flanks.
  • Are in good overall health.
  • Those with a realistic expectation regarding outcomes of the procedure or procedures revolved around fat transfer.
  • Candidates need good skin elasticity in the recipient area to ensure optimal results.

The Process:

The process begins with a consultation with a breast and body specialist, Dr. Alain Polynice, at Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists. During your initial Consultation, Dr. Poynice will assess your overall health, discuss goals, and determine if fat transfer is the most suitable option.

Harvesting Fat:
Dr. Polyince will identify the donor site or sites; typically, this will include an area with excess fat, and then liposuction will be performed on that area. Common donor sites may consist of the abdomen, thighs, or flanks. The fat is then purified and processed to remove impurities and excess fluids.

Fat Injection:
The purified fat is then injected into the targeted area or areas through small incisions using a cannula. Dr. Polynice meticulously places the fat to achieve the desired volume and contour.


Postoperative Care:
After the fat transfer, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort temporarily at the donor/recipient sites. Dr. Polynice may prescribe medication and antibiotics.

Patients typically require some downtime, and the extent varies depending on the areas treated. Strenuous activities should be avoided during the initial recovery period.

Long-Term Expectations:

Fat transfer results are generally long-lasting, though some initial volume loss may occur. Survival of the transferred fat cells is the best bet for sustained/long-term outcomes.

Maintaining a stable weight post-procedure is essential to preserve the results, as weight fluctuations can impact the redistributed fat. This will protect your investment and overall outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is fat transfer?
Fat transfer, aka fat grafting, involves harvesting excess fat from one part of the body through liposuction and strategically injecting it into another area to enhance volume. Dr. Alain Polynice, considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, specializes in this procedure.

What areas of the body can undergo fat transfer?
The fat transfer procedure is performed on various areas, including the face, breasts, buttocks, and hands. Dr. Polynice assesses individual goals and anatomy during Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists consultations.

Am I a good candidate for fat transfer?
Dr. Polynice will determine candidacy during a consultation, considering factors like overall health, desired outcomes, and specific areas for fat transfer at Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists.

How long do the results of fat transfer last?
Results are generally long-lasting, but individual factors such as weight fluctuations and aging can impact longevity. Dr. Alain Polynice guides you in maintaining optimal results along with our concierge team, who are ready and willing to support you.

Can the fat transfer procedure be combined with other procedures?
Yes, the fat transfer procedure may be performed with various procedures. Dr. Polynice discusses personalized treatment plans during Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists consultations.

How is fat harvested for transfer?
Fat harvesting is done through liposuction, which involves extracting excess fat from donor areas using a cannula. Dr. Alain Polynice employs advanced liposuction techniques for precision.

Where is the harvested fat typically taken from?
Common donor areas include the abdomen, flanks, or thighs. Dr. Polynice carefully selects donor sites based on individual anatomy and goals discussed during the consultation.

Can I undergo fat transfer if I’m planning to lose weight?
It is advisable to be close to your target weight before the procedure. Dr. Alain Polynice can discuss timing considerations and weight stability during the consultation. He will also check in with you along the way to make sure and encourage you on your weight loss journey.

Are the results of fat transfer natural-looking?
Fat transfer results are known for their natural appearance when performed by a skillful and experienced specialist like Dr. Polynice. Dr. Alain Polynice prioritizes artistry for optimal outcomes.

How is fat purified before transfer?
The harvested fat is purified to remove impurities and excess fluids, leaving behind healthy fat cells. Dr. Polynice ensures only viable fat is used for transfer.

Is fat transfer a painful procedure?
Discomfort is managed with anesthesia during the procedure. Dr. Alain Polynice and his team prioritize patient comfort and address postoperative pain with prescribed medications.

Can fat transfer be used for breast augmentation?
Yes, fat transfer can be used for natural breast augmentation. During consultations, Dr. Polynice discusses the potential for achieving fuller breasts through fat transfer.

How much fat is typically needed for breast augmentation through fat transfer?
The amount of fat needed varies. Dr. Alain Polynice evaluates individual anatomy and
goals to determine specific requirements during the consultation.

Can I breastfeed after having a fat transfer to the breasts?
In many cases, breastfeeding is still possible after breast augmentation with fat transfer. Dr. Polynice discusses individual considerations during Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists consultations.

How soon can I return to regular activities after fat transfer?
Recovery varies; most patients may resume light activities within a week. Dr. Alain Polynice provides personalized postoperative care instructions during follow-up appointments.

Are there risks associated with fat transfer?
Like any surgery, there are potential risks. Dr. Alain Polynice thoroughly discusses these risks during consultations to ensure patients are well-informed.

Can fat transfer correct asymmetry in the breasts or buttocks?
Yes, Dr. Polynice can address asymmetry by strategically injecting fat to create a more balanced appearance in the breasts or buttocks during fat transfer procedures.

How soon can I see the final results of fat transfer?
– A: Initial results are visible as swelling subsides, with final results becoming more apparent over several weeks. Dr. Alain Polynice schedules follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

Can fat transfer be used for hand rejuvenation?
Yes, fat transfer is commonly used for hand rejuvenation, adding volume to minimize the appearance of aging. Dr. Polynice discusses hand enhancement options during consultations.

Can fat transfer be repeated if I desire more volume over time?
In some cases, repeat procedures may be possible. Dr. Alain Polynice assesses individual goals and recommends personalized treatment plans.

How much downtime is typically associated with fat transfer?
Downtime will vary and depends on individual circumstances; most patients may resume light activities within one week. Dr. Polynice provides detailed postoperative care instructions to optimize recovery.

Can I choose where the injected fat goes during the transfer?
Dr. Alain Polynice works closely with patients to understand their desired outcomes. While individual anatomy influences results, patient input is considered in achieving the desired volume and contours.

How is fat transfer to the buttocks different from a Brazilian Butt Lift?
While both involve fat transfer, a Brazilian Butt Lift specifically focuses on enhancing the buttocks, while general fat transfer can be used for various areas. Dr. Polynice discusses the distinctions during consultations.

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