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Fat Transfer to Face Fat Grafting

Fat Transfer to Face Fat Grafting

(Dr. Shadfar performs these procedures)

Fat transfer to the face, aka facial fat grafting, is a cosmetic procedure performed to restore volume, enhance contours, and rejuvenate the face. When done correctly, it can yield natural-looking and long-lasting results. A specialist should perform a fat transfer to the face, which you’ll find at Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists.

Initial Consultation:

Booking Appointment: If interested in having surgery and or procedures with Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists, call, text, or email to schedule a consultation for facial fat transfer. Patients should also inform the team of all other procedures they may be interested in.

Consultation: The patient meets with our facial plastic surgeon specialist during the consultation. The specialist assesses concerns, medical history, and aesthetic goals. Our consultations can occur in person or virtually as an initial consultation.

Patient Education: The specialist explains the fat transfer procedure, its benefits, risks, and alternatives. We will discuss realistic expectations and ensure the patient understands the process.

Customized Treatment Plan: Our specialist develops a personalized treatment plan based on each patient to achieve natural-looking results.

Preoperative Preparation:

Medical Evaluation: patients undergo a thorough medical evaluation to ensure they are healthy and fit for surgery. This evaluation will include a combination of in-person and lab testing.

Preoperative Instructions: Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists provide detailed instructions on preoperative care, including dietary restrictions, medications to avoid, and smoking cessation, if applicable.

Consent and Documentation: The patient signs consent forms, acknowledging their understanding of the procedure, risks, and potential outcomes.

Preoperative Photos: Standardized photos of the patient’s face are taken from various angles to serve as a baseline for comparison postoperatively.

Surgical Procedure:

Anesthesia: Fat transfers are performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation. During your initial consultation, your specialist will determine the best route and explain your options.

Harvesting Fat: The specialist then identifies donor sites with excess fat, commonly the abdomen, flanks, or thighs. A small cannula is typically inserted through incisions to aspirate fat cells using gentle suction.

Processing Fat: The patient’s harvested fat is processed; this will purify and concentrate viable fat cells, removing excess fluids and debris.

Injection: The refined fat is injected strategically into targeted areas of the face using specialized cannulas. The surgeon meticulously layers the fat to achieve symmetrical and natural-looking results, addressing areas of volume loss, such as the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, and under-eye hollows.

Sculpting and Contouring: The surgeon sculpts and contours the face throughout the procedure, ensuring smooth transitions and harmonious proportions.

Closure: The specialist closes the incisions once the desired volume enhancement is achieved.

Postoperative Care:

Monitoring: Medical staff closely monitors the patient in recovery to ensure initial recovery stability.

Pain Management: Pain medications and instructions for pain management are provided to keep the patient comfortable during the initial recovery period.

Compression Garments: compression garments may be recommended to minimize swelling and promote optimal healing.

Follow-up Appointments: The patient schedules follow-up appointments with Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists to monitor their progress, address concerns, and remove sutures if necessary.

Recovery Timeline: While recovery varies among individuals, most patients can expect swelling to subside gradually within a few weeks. Final results become evident as the swelling resolves and the transferred fat settles into place.

Long-Term Results:

Natural-Looking Enhancement: Facial fat transfer results in subtle, natural-looking enhancement lasting several years.

Maintenance: While the body may reabsorb some fat cells over time, a significant portion of transferred fat typically persists long-term.

Healthy Lifestyle: Our patient’s specialist recommends maintaining a nutritious diet, including regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Sun Protection: We recommend protecting your skin from sun exposure and adopting a skincare regimen recommended by the surgeon. We also have our cosmetic nurses who are available to meet with patients to plan a regimen to address skin care concerns.

Throughout the entire process, Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists prioritize patient safety, satisfaction, and confidentiality, ensuring a positive experience and exceptional outcomes in facial rejuvenation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is facial fat transfer?

Facial fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injection, involves harvesting fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the face to restore volume and rejuvenate facial contours.

Am I a good candidate for facial fat transfer?

Ideal candidates for facial fat transfer are individuals with facial volume loss, hollows, or asymmetry.

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of facial fat transfer depends on the extent of the treatment plan but typically ranges from 1 to 3 hours.

Is facial fat transfer painful?

Patients experience minimal discomfort during facial fat transfer, as the procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia.

What areas of the face can be treated with fat transfer?

Facial fat transfer can address various areas of the face, including the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, jawline, chin, and under-eye hollows.

How long do the results of facial fat transfer last?

While results vary among individuals, facial fat transfer typically yields long-lasting results, with a significant portion of transferred fat persisting for several years.

Are there any risks or complications associated with facial fat transfer?

Like any surgical procedure, facial fat transfer carries potential risks.  However, these risks are minimized when a skilled and experienced specialist performs the procedure.

What is the recovery like after facial fat transfer?

The recovery period following facial fat transfer involves temporary swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which typically subside within a few weeks. Patients are advised to follow postoperative instructions provided by their specialist to promote optimal healing.

When can I return to work or do normal activities after facial fat transfer?

Most patients can resume work and normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks after facial fat transfer, depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing.

Will there be visible scarring after facial fat transfer?

Scarring from facial fat transfer is minimal, as tiny incisions are made for both fat harvesting and injection, which typically heal over time.

Can facial fat transfer be combined with other procedures?

Yes, facial fat transfer is often combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as facelift, brow lift, eyelid surgery, or non-surgical treatments like Botox or dermal fillers for comprehensive facial enhancement.

How soon will I see the results of facial fat transfer?

While some initial swelling is expected, patients usually begin to see facial volume and contour improvements within a few weeks after the procedure. Final results become evident as swelling resolves and the transferred fat settles into place.

Can facial fat transfer be reversed if I’m unsatisfied with the results?

While facial fat transfer is generally considered permanent, revisions or corrective procedures can be performed to address any concerns or achieve desired outcomes.

Will I need multiple sessions of facial fat transfer to achieve my desired results?

A single session of facial fat transfer can achieve satisfactory results. However, some patients may opt for additional sessions to further enhance facial contours or address specific areas of concern.

How much fat can be harvested for facial fat transfer?

The amount of fat harvested for facial fat transfer depends on individual factors such as the patient’s anatomy, desired outcomes, and availability of donor fat. Enough fat is harvested to achieve natural-looking results without causing significant donor site deformity.

Will I need to gain weight before facial fat transfer?

Gaining weight specifically for facial fat transfer is not recommended. The surgeon will assess the patient’s fat deposits and determine the most suitable donor sites for harvesting.

Can facial fat transfer correct under-eye hollows or dark circles?

Yes, facial fat transfer can effectively address under-eye hollows or dark circles by restoring volume to the area and improving overall facial harmony.

Are there any age restrictions for facial fat transfer?

While there are no strict age restrictions for facial fat transfer, candidates should have realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcomes and be in good overall health.

Will I lose sensation in my face after facial fat transfer?

Temporary sensation, numbness, and tingling changes may occur following facial fat transfer but typically resolve during healing.

Can I exercise after facial fat transfer?

We recommend avoiding exercise or activities that may increase heart rate or blood pressure for up to several weeks following facial fat transfer to minimize swelling and optimize healing.

How should I sleep after facial fat transfer?

To minimize swelling and discomfort during the initial recovery period, we recommend sleeping with your head elevated and avoiding putting pressure on the treated areas.

Can facial fat transfer correct asymmetry in my face?

Yes, facial fat transfer can help correct asymmetry by strategically injecting fat to restore balance and symmetry to the facial features.

Will I need to follow a special diet after facial fat transfer?

While facial fat transfer does not require specific dietary restrictions, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can promote optimal healing and long-term results.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on smokers?

Smoking increases the risk of complications after facial fat transfer. We advise you to quit smoking before and after the procedure to optimize outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on patients with autoimmune conditions?

Patients with autoimmune conditions should consult their healthcare provider and plastic surgeon to assess individual risks and determine if facial fat transfer is suitable for them.

Can facial fat transfer correct the appearance of acne scars?

Fat transfer can improve certain acne scars, adding volume and smoothing the skin’s texture. Our team of cosmetic nurses is also trained to improve acne scarring.

Can facial fat transfer correct the signs of aging in the neck and jawline?

Facial fat transfer can rejuvenate the neck and jawline by restoring lost volume and improving skin laxity.

Will I need to take time off from work to do a facial fat transfer?

Most patients can resume work and normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks after facial fat transfer, although individual recovery times may vary.

Will I need to avoid sunlight after facial fat transfer?

Protecting the treated areas from direct sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) exposure is recommended to minimize the risk of pigmentation changes and optimize the healing process.

Can facial fat transfer be performed under local anesthesia?

Yes, facial fat transfer can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. Your specialist can discuss the process during your consultation.

How much downtime is there after facial fat transfer?

While recovery times vary among individuals, most patients can expect temporary swelling, bruising, and discomfort for 1 to 2 weeks following facial fat transfer.

Will I need to avoid certain medications before facial fat transfer?

Patients are typically advised to avoid medications that are known to increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and some supplements.

Can facial fat transfer be reversed if I change my mind?

Facial fat transfer is generally considered permanent, but if desired, corrective procedures or revisions can be performed to adjust the results or address any concerns.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on men?

Yes, facial fat transfer suits both men and women who seek to restore facial volume, enhance contours, and rejuvenate their appearance.

Will I need to undergo multiple procedures to maintain the results of facial fat transfer?

While the body may reabsorb some fat over time, a significant portion of transferred fat typically persists long-term, reducing the need for frequent touch-up procedures.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on ethnic or darker skin tones?

Yes, facial fat transfer can be performed on individuals with diverse skin tones, although careful attention to skin pigmentation and healing considerations may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

Will I need to lose weight before facial fat transfer?

Patients should be at a stable weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle before undergoing facial fat transfer.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on patients with a history of facial trauma or previous surgeries?

Patients with a history of facial trauma or previous surgeries may still be candidates for facial fat transfer. However, individual considerations and potential scar tissue may impact the surgical approach and outcomes.

Can facial fat transfer be performed with laser treatments or chemical peels?

While facial fat transfer can be combined with non-surgical treatments to enhance overall facial rejuvenation, the timing and sequencing of procedures should be carefully coordinated to optimize results and minimize risks.

Will I need to wear makeup after facial fat transfer?

Patients are typically advised to avoid applying makeup to the treated areas immediately after facial fat transfer to allow for optimal healing. Once swelling and bruising subside, makeup can be used as desired.

Can facial fat transfer improve the appearance of sunken cheeks or hollow temples?

Facial fat transfer can restore volume to sunken cheeks and hollow temples, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance.

Will I need to undergo anesthesia for facial fat transfer?

Facial fat transfer can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s comfort level and the extent of the procedure.

Can facial fat transfer correct the appearance of aging hands?

Yes, facial fat transfer can rejuvenate the appearance of aging hands by adding volume to hollow areas and improving skin texture and tone.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on patients with thin or delicate skin?

Facial fat transfer can be performed on patients with thin or delicate skin. However, careful consideration and precise technique are necessary.

Will facial fat transfer affect my ability to make facial expressions?

Facial fat transfer should not significantly impact the ability to make facial expressions, as the injected fat integrates with surrounding tissues and moves naturally with facial movements.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on patients with facial paralysis or nerve damage?

Patients with facial paralysis or nerve damage may still be candidates for facial fat transfer, although individual considerations and potential limitations should be discussed with the plastic surgeon.

Can facial fat transfer be performed on patients with a history of skin cancer or previous skin treatments?

Patients with a history of skin cancer or previous skin treatments may still be candidates for facial fat transfer. However, careful evaluation and coordination with other healthcare providers may be necessary to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Will I need to undergo additional treatments or touch-ups after facial fat transfer?

While some patients may desire additional treatments or touch-ups to enhance their results further, many achieve satisfactory outcomes with a single session of facial fat transfer. Individual needs and preferences should be discussed with the plastic surgeon during follow-up appointments.

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