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Gynecomastia Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Gynecomastia Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

A Common and Stubborn Issue That Board Certified Breast and Body Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Alain Polynice Has A Solution For.

Gynecomastia is a common medical condition characterized by the development of breast tissue enlargement in males, leading to a distinct and often unexpected alteration in chest appearance. This condition, colloquially referred to as "man boobs" or "moobs," results from an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and testosterone. While both sexes produce these hormones, males typically have higher levels of testosterone, which maintains the masculine characteristics of the body.
This phenomenon can occur at any stage of life, from infancy through puberty to adulthood and even in older age. It is nothing to be ashamed of; some of the most physically fit men can have excess tissue.

A Detailed Look Into Causes Of Gynecomastia

  1. Hormonal Imbalance: Gynecomastia often arises from an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone. An increase in estrogen or a decrease in testosterone can stimulate breast tissue growth.
  2. Puberty and Hormonal Fluctuations: During puberty, hormonal fluctuations are common, and gynecomastia may occur as a result of temporary hormonal imbalances. In many cases, this resolves spontaneously as hormone levels stabilize.
  3. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as hormonal disorders, liver or kidney diseases, and genetic disorders like Klinefelter syndrome, can contribute to gynecomastia by disrupting the hormonal equilibrium.
  4. Medication Side Effects: Gynecomastia can be a side effect of certain medications, including antipsychotics, antiandrogens, and medicines used in cancer treatments. Individuals taking such medications should be aware of potential effects on breast tissue.
  5. Substance Use: The use of substances like anabolic steroids or excessive alcohol and certain recreational drugs may interfere with and make hormone levels fluctuate, contributing to gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Beverly Hills With Breast and Body Specialist Dr. Alain Polynice

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: Before the surgery, a patient must have a consultation in person or virtually with Dr. Polynice, who will assess the extent of gynecomastia and the patient’s overall health and discuss expectations, including potential risks.
  2. Preoperative Preparation: Patients may be required to undergo specific preoperative tests and evaluations to confirm they are fit for surgery and anesthesia. The surgeon may also provide instructions on preoperative care, such as avoiding certain medications.
  3. Anesthesia: Gynecomastia surgeries are typically performed under general anesthesia. In some patient cases, local anesthesia with sedation may also be an option, depending on the extent of the procedure. This can be discussed during consultation.
  4. Incision Placement: Dr. Polynice will carefully and skillfully make incisions to access the breast tissue.
  5. Glandular Tissue Removal: If the enlargement is primarily due to excess glandular tissue, Dr. Polynice will excise or remove this tissue. Liposuction with Renuvion is an excellent option to remove excess fat in the chest area.
  6. Skin Tightening: In some cases, excess skin may need to be addressed, mainly if significant weight loss occurs. The surgeon may tighten the skin to achieve a more contoured appearance. Renuvion is an excellent option Dr. Polynice offers for post-liposuction of the chest area to promote skin tightening.
  7. Nipple Repositioning: If necessary, repositioning the nipple will create a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.
  8. Closure of Incisions: The incisions are carefully closed using sutures, and Dr. Polynice has expert techniques to minimize scarring.
  9. Postoperative Care: After the surgery, patients are given detailed instructions on postoperative care, including medication post-surgery, compression garments, and restrictions on physical activities.
  10. Recovery: Recovery times vary, but patients must avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks. The concierge team will schedule your follow-up appointments with Dr. Polynice so we may monitor your progress and healing.

Here’s a general overview of what to expect after gynecomastia surgery:

  1. Immediate Postoperative Period:
    • Monitoring: After surgery, patients are typically monitored in a recovery area until stable.
    • Pain Management: Discomfort and mild pain commonly occur together after surgery. Dr. Polynice will prescribe pain medication to aid in managing discomfort.
  1. First Few Days:
    • Bruising/Swelling: Bruising and swelling around the chest area are normal and should gradually subside over the first week.
    • Compression Garments: Patients may be instructed to wear compression garments, which help minimize post-surgical swelling and support the healing process.
  1. First Week:
    • Follow-Up Appointment: Patients usually have a follow-up appointment with the surgeon within the first week. The surgeon will assess the healing progress and may remove any drains or sutures.
    • Activity Restrictions: Strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting are instructed to be avoided during the initial recovery phase.
  1. First Month:
    • Gradual Return to Normal Activities: While light activities may be resumed, patients should still avoid intense physical exercise.
    • Swelling Reduction: Swelling decreases, and the chest contour becomes more apparent.
    • Scar Care: If incisions occur, the surgeon may provide instructions on scar care to minimize their appearance.
  1. First Three Months:
    • Final Results Begin to Show: While most swelling subsides within the first few weeks, the final results may take several months to become evident.
    • Resuming Exercise: Patients can gradually resume strenuous exercise and activities as the surgeon advises.
  1. Long-Term Follow-Up:
    • Scar Maturation: Scars continue to mature and will fade over time. The surgeon may recommend scar creams or other products to aid in this process.
    • Final Results: The final results of gynecomastia surgery become more apparent with proper post-care/follow-up, and patients can enjoy improved chest contour.

Gynecomastia FAQ’s
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is defined as breast tissue enlargement in men.

How is gynecomastia surgery performed?
The surgery may involve liposuction, excision of glandular tissue, or a combination of both with Renuvion.

What is the recovery time to be expected after gynecomastia surgery?
Recovery varies, but patients may need to refrain from strenuous activities for a few weeks.

Are there risks associated with gynecomastia surgery?
Any surgery has potential risks, including infection, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anesthesia. This is minimized by the expertise of Dr. Alain Polyinice and a state-of-the-art surgical center with highly trained OR and recovery room nursing staff.

Will there be noticeable scars after surgery?
The extent of scarring depends on the surgical technique used. Dr. Alain Polynice specializes in breast and body surgery, and one of the main goals is to minimize visible scarring.

How long until the final results are visible?
Swelling and bruising may initially obscure results, but patients typically can see improvement within a few weeks to a few months.

Does insurance cover gynecomastia surgery?
Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists and Dr. Alain Polynice are not in network with insurance companies.

Can gynecomastia recur after surgery?
While recurrence is uncommon, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prevent it.

What are the alternatives to surgery for treating gynecomastia?
Non-surgical options may include lifestyle changes, medications, or hormone therapy, but their effectiveness varies.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?
The cost varies depending on the surgeon’s experience, location, and the extent of the procedure. It’s essential to discuss this with your surgeon during a consultation. After your virtual or in-person consultation with Dr. Polynice, the concerned staff will offer you an all-inclusive quote. All costs, including anesthesia, OR, and surgical, will be included in your quote.

Can I combine gynecomastia surgery with other procedures?
In some cases, patients can choose to combine gynecomastia surgery with other cosmetic procedures. Discussing your goals with Dr. Polynice can help determine the best approach.

What should I expect during the initial consultation?
The initial consultation includes discussing your medical history, goals, and the surgeon’s recommendations. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We recommend writing down all your questions before you consult with Dr. Polynice to present during your conversation.

Is there an age requirement for gynecomastia surgery?
Surgeons may recommend waiting until the individual’s breast development has stabilized, which typically occurs in late adolescence.

How can I prepare for gynecomastia surgery?
Preparing may involve lifestyle adjustments, discontinuing certain medications, and following preoperative instructions provided by your surgeon. This can be discussed during your consultation so you may be well prepared for surgery.

Will patients have to wear compression garments post-surgery?
Many surgeons recommend wearing a compression garment to minimize swelling and support healing.

When can I resume regular physical activities after gynecomastia surgery?
Surgeons typically provide guidelines on when it’s safe to resume physical activities and exercise gradually.

What is the difference between gynecomastia surgery and chest contouring?
Chest contouring may be a broader term that includes various procedures to achieve a more sculpted chest, whereas gynecomastia surgery specifically addresses enlarged breast tissue.

Are there any side effects of long-term gynecomastia surgery?
Long-term side effects are rare, but following postoperative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments is essential.

Can I see before-and-after photos of previous gynecomastia surgeries performed by the surgeon?
Reviewing before and after photos of surgery can give you an idea of the surgeon’s skill and the potential outcomes of the procedure.

Are there any dietary restrictions before or after gynecomastia surgery?
Your surgeon may provide specific dietary guidelines before and after surgery to support healing.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed under local anesthesia?
The type of anesthesia used depends on the extent of the procedure and the surgeon’s preference. Local or general anesthesia may be discussed and determined during your examination. An in-person physical examination is usually best to resolve this.

What are the potential psychological benefits of gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery can positively affect self-esteem and body image, addressing concerns related to the appearance of the chest. Body positivity and confidence are often boosted.

How long should I wait before considering a revision surgery if needed?
Revision surgery, if necessary, is typically considered after the initial healing period. Surgeons will guide you on when this is appropriate.

Is there a limit to how much breast tissue can be removed during surgery?
Surgeons aim to achieve a balanced and natural appearance, considering individual anatomy. The amount of tissue removed depends on various factors.

What is the role of liposuction in gynecomastia surgery?
Liposuction is often used during surgery to remove excess fat in addition to glandular tissue, helping achieve a more contoured chest, followed by Renuvion to tighten the skin.

Can smoking or alcohol consumption affect the outcome of gynecomastia surgery?
Smoking/excessive alcohol consumption can impact healing. We highly recommend quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake before and after surgery. The more preparation before your surgery, the more successful your healing process will be.

How can I manage postoperative pain and discomfort?
Dr. Polynice will prescribe pain medications and recommend strategies like rest, elevation, and ice to manage postoperative pain and discomfort.

What should I do if I experience complications after gynecomastia surgery?
You may call 911 if it is a life-threatening emergency. Please contact our office promptly if you notice unusual symptoms/complications to ensure timely intervention and resolution. Calling the office at 424-453-1187 will be the best way to connect with the medical team. If calling after hours, our answering service will promptly assist you and forward directly to our medical staff to help you as necessary.

Will I need someone to assist me during the initial recovery period?
Having someone to assist with your daily activities during the initial recovery period is recommended to ensure a smooth healing process. It is a requirement to have a responsible party pick you up after surgery and to care for you 24 hours immediately following surgery.

Can gynecomastia surgery affect nipple sensation?
Changes in nipple sensation are possible after surgery, but they are often temporary. If you have further questions, Dr. Polynice will explain them during your consultation.

How soon can I shower after gynecomastia surgery?
Postoperative instructions will be provided for your surgery and during the day if your caregiver prefers. When it’s safe to shower after the surgery, following these guidelines for proper healing is essential.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed on both sides of the chest at the same time? Both sides are often operated on during the same surgery to achieve symmetrical results.

What is the role of drains in gynecomastia surgery?
Drains prevent fluid accumulation after surgery. We will provide instructions on drain care and removal.

Are there restrictions on certain activities after gynecomastia surgery?
We will provide postoperative instructions regarding activities to avoid during the initial recovery to promote proper healing.

How soon can I expect to see the final results of gynecomastia surgery?
Final results may take a few months to manifest as swelling subsides and tissues settle fully. Individual healing varies.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed on adolescents?
Surgeons may consider gynecomastia surgery for adolescents, but they often prefer to wait until the individual’s chest development stabilizes.

What is the follow-up schedule after gynecomastia surgery?
Follow-up appointments are crucial for monitoring healing and addressing any concerns. The staff will provide a schedule for postoperative visits and schedule well in advance before your surgery.

Are there non-surgical options for gynecomastia treatment?
Non-surgical options may include lifestyle changes, weight management, and medications. However, their effectiveness varies and may only be suitable for some.

Can gynecomastia surgery correct asymmetry in the chest?
Gynecomastia surgery can address asymmetry by removing excess tissue and reshaping the chest for a more balanced appearance.

Is there a recommended age range for undergoing gynecomastia surgery?
While there’s no strict age limit, surgeons often recommend waiting until an individual is emotionally and physically mature, typically after adolescence.

What are some potential complications of gynecomastia surgery?
Complications may include infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in nipple sensation. Your surgeon will discuss potential risks during the consultation.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed alongside other medical treatments by OTHER doctors in the office?
Depending on the underlying cause of gynecomastia, your surgeon may coordinate with other healthcare professionals to address any contributing factors.

Will gynecomastia surgery impact my ability to exercise in the long term?
While there may be restrictions on strenuous activities during the initial recovery, most individuals can resume regular exercise once fully healed.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed for individuals with significant weight loss?
Gynecomastia surgery can be considered for individuals who have undergone significant weight loss and are left with excess chest tissue.

What is the role of the areola reduction in gynecomastia surgery?
Surgeons may reduce the areola to achieve a proportionate and aesthetically pleasing result about the reshaped chest.

How long do I need to wear a compression garment post-surgery?
The duration of wearing a compression garment varies but is typically recommended for several weeks to support the healing process. We will closely monitor your progress to let you know when it is okay to discontinue use of the garment.

What kind of scarring can I expect after gynecomastia surgery?
Surgeons aim to minimize scarring, and incisions are strategically placed. The extent of scarring varies depending on the surgical technique used and individual healing. Luckily, this is where Dr. Polynice’s specialty skills are a vast advantage.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed if I have an underlying medical condition?
Dr. Poly will assess your overall health and medical history to determine if gynecomastia surgery is suitable. Communication with your healthcare team is crucial.

What is the role of hormonal evaluation in the assessment for gynecomastia surgery?
Hormonal evaluation may be conducted to identify any hormonal imbalances contributing to gynecomastia and guide the treatment plan.

How can I manage postoperative swelling and bruising?
Surgeons often recommend strategies such as elevation, ice packs, and prescribed medications to manage postoperative swelling and bruising.

Can gynecomastia surgery be reversed if I’m not satisfied with the results?
Reversal is generally a different option. Communicating openly with your surgeon during consultations is crucial to ensure realistic expectations.

Are there specific lifestyle changes recommended before gynecomastia surgery?
Lifestyle changes recommended include:

  • Maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Staying hydrated.
  • Refraining from smoking or excessive alcohol intake to support overall well-being.

Can gynecomastia surgery correct nipple inversion or other nipple issues?
Gynecomastia surgery can address specific nipple concerns, and surgeons may employ techniques to improve nipple appearance during the procedure.

Is it possible to combine gynecomastia surgery with pectoral implants?
Combining procedures, such as gynecomastia surgery and pectoral implants, may be discussed with your surgeon based on your aesthetic goals.

How can we minimize the risk of complications during gynecomastia surgery?
Following preoperative instructions, disclosing medical history, and choosing an experienced specialist like Dr. Polynice is essential to minimize risks.

Can gynecomastia surgery be performed on individuals with a history of breast cancer in the family?
A thorough medical history assessment will be conducted to determine if there are any genetic factors or increased risks associated with breast cancer.

What is the expected level of postoperative pain, and how is it managed?
Postoperative pain varies among individuals, and surgeons provide pain management strategies, including prescribed medications, to address discomfort.

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